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Computer Advanced Custom

21d) - Computer Advanced Custom.

This is going to be the last general computer knowledge session. Featuring some last general concepts, missed in the previous lessons. Http explanation, some clarification of front/back end, some networking lessons serving as a stepping stone before HTML. Lastly some last Git knowledge and what's left of encodings. What about the other sections you ask? Well, this is going to get covered separately. Office, multimedia, etc. Cause after advanced each section has very extensive knowledge to be covered in a general section. It is all bout building a foundation and having a strategy on how to evolve. Without delaying further, let us begin covering them one by one.

Internet Finer Makings #1
How the Internet Works for Developers - Pt 1 - Overview & Frontend

This is an excellent overall video if you need some clarification about what is what. It gets a bit techie in the middle of the video, but overall it covered a nice gap for me. This is from a web developer's perspective, mind you. Requests, responses and content type, this is on the finer inner makings of internet connectivity.

Internet Finer Makings #2
How the Internet Works for Developers - Pt 2 - Servers & Scaling

The continuation of the first part. A lot more technical but is understandable due to the depth it covers. 4-5 minutes shorter than the first part, to me, it feels like the whole video is 25 minutes to half an hour. After that, we can move on to HTTP.

Networking #1- HTTP, URL

HTTP is the foundation of the modern web. Understanding it can help you in the long term, namely in restful API services. And when wanting to connect end to end as simple as possible. We have 2 parts here, one with basics of HTTP and another one with more specifics. I cannot find the second part though, it might have been taken down. Okay then, it is not simple and not short, but it covers the subject very well. I had it saved in the pocket as well for a future re-read. Moving on to the important stuff, we have an explanation of what the HTTP stateless protocol is, and how it works. Also decrypting what a URL is and what it stands for. Leaving us with the request, and the infamous 404 error code, closing with all the rest error codes as well. As I said earlier, neither simple, nor short. Enjoy! and Bookmark it under cheat sheets.

Networking #1- TCP/IP IMTP Domains
How the internet works.

Welcome to hell on earth. This is for people that are not technical friendly. And is quite long, but it covers and expands on what we already covered. Protocols, Hierarchy, domain and the alphabet pool, TCP, IP, IMTP. I suggest that you should go and make a coffee over this, also take notes. After finishing this long a very demanding article it is time to move on to the last ones of those lengthy sections.

Git Recap #1
Git Recap #2

And we are back to git, feels nice doesn't it? Oh well, to be honest as I was reading through those two articles it felt so much like a total cake through. Have at them, as we prepare an old adversary to meet with us, Character Encodings.

Honorable Mention

Before we go further, it is worth to mention this. This is Git Hub's personal interactive learning lab. Here you can find lessons about git, GitHub, markdown, even HTML and languages. Most of them are in the form of Interactive tutorials from within the website. Using Issues and site control as a environment for teaching. Some are quite long, but some are as fast as 15 mins. Not a review here, just some bookmarking and picking up lessons as we go. Honorable Mention anyone? Surely feels like it.

Character Encodings Recap #1
Character Encodings Recap #2
Character Encodings Recap #3
Character Encodings Recap #4

The four are the only learning material, I could find from my resources and a bit of internet search. Not too much advanced just enough to count as a recap. Also to mention that the best of the best is the first video, my remark. Clean, fluid, written in a café on the back of the napkin. The other three are less clean and clear, due to age mostly, understandable. Enjoy your bits and napkins.

Open Source

Open Source Guides | Learn how to launch and grow your project.: Learn how to launch and grow your project.

All of your open source needs should be covered here. Quite decent, excellent I might add. It is structured very nicely and detailed as hell. This article plus the readme and licensing guides are, I say more than enough to bring us up to speed. This should cover us in the Advanced department.
