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3 Way....

17A) - Markdown - Basics #2A

Tables, what are tables inside a text document; Tables are like drawing a sketch, with pencil and paper. And instead of using vertical and horizontal lines we use hyphens and pipes. |-, Yes it is as simple as that, just write your info and use hyphens | to separate them horizontally, and pipes - under them for vertical separation. And there your have it, the syntax picks it up, a table, magic happens.
 17B) - Markdown - Basics #2B

There we go again a bit in depth. I can recognize ruby and JavaScript, so all in all the gist of it is: That a triple back tick before and after, create a box which can house code. Writing code that needs to be displayed, instead of processed. For example writing the bold syntax tag instead of making the text bold. Not so techie now e?

17C) - Markdown - Basics #2C

Like before, a bit techie but not so much. This one lets you know that there are automatic methods of link shortening, and auto link reference. What does that mean exactly, means that you can write for example: #26 and it is the same as https://github/jlord/sheetsee.js/issues/26, yeah, well it is life saving. Truth is I can't quite make out all of it, but as we said before the important bits. We need just as much info as possible but not the heavy things.
